Tuesday, March 21, 2017

March 22-24th

Dear Parents,

We had such a fun time on our Field Trip last week! We had so much fun seeing the live animals and learned so much exploring the museum. Thank you so much for all of your help with this, especially those who came with us!  For your information, I will be out of town on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. My husband will be my sub so the class will be well taken care of!
Here is what we are doing in class this week:

Reading: This week we will be reading expository text. We will talk about main idea, text structure, and practice summarizing. Our spelling is list #24 with r controlled vowel syllables. Students should be spending 20 minutes studying their words this week. They should also be reading 20 minutes a night and filling out their reading logs.

Math: This week we will continue our decimals unit. We will focus on converting between tenths and hundredths and we will use money to help us with this. Then we will learn how to add and subtract decimals as well as adding and subtracting fractions with tenths and hundredths.

Writing: This week we will be doing our last explanatory essay. We will be writing about weather vs. climate. We will also practice for SAGE by doing a practice essay in the SAGE program. In Target Time this week we will continue looking at example essays and practice scoring them.

Social Studies: This week in social studies we will be talking about World War I and World War II. We will go over the brief history of them and focusing on how they affected Utah. Students will also be assigned their Native American Homes Project. Students will bring home an instruction sheet. They need to build a Hogan, wicki-up, or tepee using natural materials. My class’s projects are due on April 21st and Mrs. Ditto’s Class’s projects are due on April 24th.

This week’s homework:
Read 20 mins each day and fill out a pink reading log
Spelling #24 – 20 mins study
Lesson 9.1-P171, 9.2-P173, 9.3-P175, Blue Decimals Homework Worksheet
*Math, reading, and spelling are due on Friday


Mrs. Wheatley

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