Monday, September 28, 2015

Sort 13 Spelling Words

Sort 13:

September 28th-October 2nd

This week in reading we will be talking about an author's use of reasons and evidence. We are teaching students to look for the reasons the author is giving to make their point as well as the evidence they have to back up their reasons. This will prepare students for when they have to write opinion papers, giving their opinion, and backing it up with reasons and evidence. We will have an assessment on this skill on Friday. The assessment we took last week was really hard for students. I have put that into Skyward only out of 20 points instead of 50 since it was so hard. We will go over this assessment in class. Our spelling this week is Sort 13 which is focusing on where the syllables are in each word. Students still need to do 20 points of spelling activities to turn in on Friday as well as 100 minutes of reading recorded on their reading log and turned in on Mondays.

This week in writing we are starting a new explanatory unit. We will be reading passages and writing an explanation about them. This will be very good prep for the end of year testing where students will be given a question, 2 articles about a similar topic, and will be asked to write and explanation using those articles. I will be teaching students how to use and online program called My Access to grade student's writing and give feedback on it. The program will also help students edit and revise their papers.

This week in math we are learning the standard algorithm for multiplying a 4 digit number by a 1 digit number. This is the method that most people know and use. Students did so well last week breaking up the numbers into expanded form and multiplying them, but this week will be a little trickier to catch on. We will also begin learning double digit multiplication. For Target Time we are reviewing factors and multiples. We will give retake tests to all students who did not pass the original Factors and Multiples test on Friday in Target Time.

This week in social studies we will finish talking about which forces helped to create Utah's land. We will then discuss what climate is and the climate of Utah. Lastly, we will discuss what natural resources are and what natural resources we have in Utah. Don't forget that students should be working on their county report at home. It is due NEXT WEEK! October 8th is when my class's reports are due and Mrs. Ditto's class's reports are due on October 9th. If you lost the copy of the instructions they are posted on my blog. If you forgot the links to the websites with great info for the reports, they are under the week of September 21st on my blog as well. Please let me know if you have any questions about this report! It does not need to be typed up as a paper, but all the information just needs to be put nicely on a poster.

Don't forget to sign up for parent teacher conferences! I'm so excited to see you and discuss with you and your students all the good things they are doing in class. We will also make some goals to work on for the rest of the year. You can go online to the school's website and sign up for a time that works for you. You can also call the office and they can help you sign up. I will give each student who is signed up for parent teacher conferences by Friday $10 in Maui Money!

This Week's Homework
Monday:         Reading  
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                             Sort 13
                            P110 Extra Practice
                        Social Studies
                            County Report

Tuesday:        Reading  
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                              Sort 13
                             P23 Lesson 2.1 
                       Social Studies

                            County Report

Wednesday:   Reading   
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                             Sort 13           
                            P27 Lesson 2.3
                        Social Studies
                            County Report
Thursday:       Reading     
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                             Sort 13
                            P31 Lesson 2.5
                        Social Studies
                            County Report

Friday:            Reading       
                             Read 20 Mins -Reading Log
                        Social Studies
                            County Report

Monday, September 21, 2015

How To Publishing Checklist and Rubric

This is what students are expected to do to revise and edit their How To paper:


      Do you have an introduction and a conclusion?

      Do you have at least 4 paragraphs with 3-5 sentences in each?
      Do you have at least 3 materials needed and at least 5 steps?
      Are your steps in order?
      Did you use transition words? Ex. first, next, then, after that, also, finally, etc . . .
      Do you have very descriptive steps? (NO IT!)  
      Do the Precise Words folder

      Did you indent each paragraph?

      Are all of your sentences complete sentences?
      Are all of your words spelled correctly?
     Do the Stop & Go/ Red Light-Green Light folder

Here is the rubric I will grade student's How To paper on:
Explanatory How To Rubric

1.Correct use of punctuation when forming sentences.
0-2 punctuation errors and indents each paragraph
3-5 punctuation errors or indents mostly
6-10 punctuation errors or indents sometimes
More than 10 punctuation errors or doesn’t indent
2.  No Fragment or run on sentences
0-1 run-ons or fragment sentences
2-3 run-ons or fragment sentences
4-5 run-ons or fragment sentences
More than 5 run-ons or fragment sentences
3. Correct spelling of 4th grade words
0-3 misspelled words
4-7 misspelled words
8-11 misspelled words
11 or more misspelled words
4. Correct use of capitals at the beginning of sentences and proper nouns
0-2 incorrect capital errors
3-4 incorrect capital errors
5-6 incorrect capital errors
7 or more
incorrect capital errors
5. Clearly introduces the topic
Has a clear introduction of their topic and stays on topic
Has a clear introduction but goes off topic
Unclear introduction and may go off topic
No introduction and does not stay on topic
6. Detailed steps in sequential order
Has 6 or more clear, detailed steps in order
Has 5 or 4 detailed steps mostly in order
Has 3 steps or steps are unclear
Has 2 or fewer steps or very unclear steps
7. Use of transition words
Has a variety of transition words and one with each step
Most steps have transition words
A few steps have transition words
No transition words are used
8. Uses precise language and topic based vocabulary
Uses precise language for each step, minimal use of “it”
Mostly uses precise language, may use “it” too much
Sometimes uses precise language, uses “it” too much
Doesn’t use precise language, too many “its”
9. Clear conclusion
Conclusion has a complete “wrap up” of the topic
Conclusion has a partial “wrap up” of the topic
Ends abruptly with little or no conclusion
Doesn’t include a conclusion
  1. Use of the writing process.W.4.5
Complete use of writing process
Uses most of the writing process
Uses some steps.
Doesn’t use the writing process

County Report

Students should have received in class a handout with information on it about what they need for their county report as well as which county they are to do. Here is a copy of the handout just in case your student has lost it! If they don't remember what county they are doing, they can ask me in class and I will remind them.

Utah Counties Report
Include the following on your poster
  • ·     Title (County Name)
  • ·     Map of county including:
o  County Seat
o  Population
o  Cities and Towns
o  Lakes and Reservoirs
o  Mountains and Deserts
o  Area (in square miles)
  • ·     History
  • ·     Interesting Information
Bring your poster to class on the day it is due and be prepared to present the poster to the class.

Due: Mrs. Wheatley’s Class: October 8th

Mrs. Ditto’s Class: October 9th

Sort 8 Spelling Words

Sort 8: