Tuesday, October 25, 2016

October 25-28th

Dear Parents,

Wasn’t Fall Break wonderful! I hope everyone had a great and safe break and did something fun! We will be having a short and fun week and then back to the weekend again!

Here is what we are doing in class this week:

Reading: This week in reading we will be reading dramas. We will be focusing on identifying the theme of the drama and asking and answering questions as we read. Our spelling this week has digraphs so students should know sounds like, th, ch, sh, etc . . .  They should spend 20 minutes this week studying their words. Students should also spend 20 minutes for 4 days this week reading and filling out their reading log for the 4 days.

Math: This week in math we are starting division. We will begin by reviewing our division facts and then we will begin learning what to do with remainders in division. In Target Time we will continue reviewing factors and multiples. We will retake this test in class during Target Time on Friday.

Writing: This week we will finish our poetry unit. We will write quatrains, sonnets, and color poems. We will edit and revise our poems and put them together in a class book. We will also learn about figurative language. We will discuss similes, metaphors, adages, and proverbs. We will also continue to learn about idioms.

Science: Our weather unit is wrapping up. This week we will start reviewing everything we have learned about clouds and weather tools. The students will take a practice test in class and do a lot of reviewing. The weather unit test will be on Wednesday, November 3rd. The students made cloud graphic organizers during class which will be sent home to help study for the test.

Social Studies: This week in social studies we will be creating our own businesses. We will make advertisements for our businesses and share them. We will also begin studying our counties and county seats. We will be memorizing the location and county seat of each county in Utah and we will take our test on it in December.

This week’s homework:
Read 20 minutes for 4 days, fill out reading log
Spelling #7 - 20 mins of study and signed list
Math Lessons 2.10-P41, 2.11-P43, 3.3- P55
*All homework is due on Friday
** All Missing Assignments are due Friday November 4th for this term


Mrs. Wheatley

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