Monday, September 26, 2016

Spelling Lists #4

Here are the links to this week's spelling words. There are 3 different lists for students, according to their needs. The list your child brings home each week should say at the bottom the name of the list. You can also access the words on these links as well as games for students to study with.

September 26-30th

Dear Parents,

We were so happy last week when we got parties during reading time! We got to watch some awesome book trailers, eat popcorn, and have a read-a-thon. We didn’t even have to take our spelling test on Friday because of the party! Our whole class is soo close to a party. We are only 6 points away and then we will get a party for the whole class!

Here is what we are doing in class this week:

Reading: This week we will continue to focus on summarizing and finding main ideas as well as drawing inferences. We will be reading some really cool graphic novel type non-fiction texts. Our spelling words this week will have the long i sound. Students should still be noticing the different patterns of how to spelling this sound as they study. They need to study at least 20 minutes and bring back their list filled out and signed. They should also be filling out a reading log they get on Friday and read 20 minutes each day for this. Both of these are due on Friday.

Math: This week students will be taking their factors and multiples test. We will be reviewing on Monday and Tuesday and students should bring home their pre-test/study guide on Tuesday to study for the test on Wednesday. Then we will start our multiplication unit. This will start by reviewing our multiplication facts. If your student does not have these memorized yet, please practice with them. It is extremely important that students have their facts memorized since we will use them so much in the rest of the math we do this year. In Target Time this week we will be reviewing adding and subtracting large numbers

Writing: This week we are focusing on how to clearly explain something. We will practice explaining steps clearly and will do a really fun STEAM computer coding activity where students will have to practice making sure they include precise steps.

Science: We get to start studying clouds this week. We will pretend to be meteorologists and look at the clouds and make forecasts. The students will also get to make a cloud graphic organizer using cotton balls to represent the different cloud types. We will also learn a cloud song. Remember that students can complete a homework assignment to add points onto their water cycle test score. These assignments are due by this Friday, September 30th.

Social Studies: This week in social studies we will be focusing on the forces that have shaped Utah. We will discuss the different forces, such as floods, earthquakes, and volcanoes, and how they have shaped Utah in the past and how they currently shape Utah. Don’t forget that students should be working on their County Report at home. They just need to find all the required information on their pink sheet and display it on their poster. They do not need to type it out in a paper. They should have also brought home a couple white pages just to help them take notes as they research.

This week’s homework:
Read 20 mins each day and fill out a pink reading log
Spelling list #4 – 20 mins of study and list signed by parent
Lesson 5.4-P103, 5.5-P105, 5.6-P107, Multiplication facts for 20 mins
County report Due October 11th
Science Water Cycle Make Up Page
*Math, reading, spelling, and science are due on Friday

Mrs. Wheatley

Monday, September 19, 2016

County Report

Utah Counties Report
Include the following on your poster
·     Title (County Name)
·     Map of county including:
o  County Seat
o  Population
o  Cities and Towns
o  Lakes and Reservoirs
o  Mountains and Deserts
o  Area (in square miles)
·     History
·     Interesting Information
***You do not need to write a paper for this project, just put all the information on your poster

Bring your poster to class on the day it is due and be prepared to present the poster to the class. Due date: Mrs. Wheatley’s Class: October 11th        Mrs. Ditto’s Class: October 12th
County Report Rubric

County Name


Cities and Towns

Lakes and Resivors

Mountains and Deserts



Interesting Facts

Done Neatly

Oral Presentation



Lesson 5 Math Pages

Follow this link to get to all homework pages for Lesson 5 from Go Math, pages P97-110.

Spelling Lists #3

Here are the links to this week's spelling words. There are 3 different lists for students, according to their needs. The list your child brings home each week should say at the bottom the name of the list. You can also access the words on these links as well as games for students to study with.

September 19th-23rd

Dear Parents,

We had such a fun week last week! One activity we got to do was a STEAM activity. We were challenged to build a structure that could hold a bucket and weight made out of straws. Check out the pictures of some of our awesome designs! Also, we did so well on our math test last week! We had a class average of 82%. I am so proud of everyone’s work!

Here is what we are doing in class this week:

Reading: This week in reading we will be focusing on non-fiction texts. We will write summaries, identify main ideas, and answer questions using evidence. Our spelling words this week all have the long e sound. Students should be noticing the different patterns of how to spelling this sound as they study. They need to study at least 20 minutes and bring back their list filled out and signed. They should also be filling out a reading log they get on Friday and read 20 minutes each day for this. Both of these are due on Friday.

Math: This week in math we are continuing our Factors and Multiples Unit. We will practice finding factors, multiples, identifying if a number is prime or composite, and identifying number patterns.
Writing: We will be starting our next writing unit, which is writing explanatory texts. We will begin by focusing on reading other explanatory texts this week and finding the main ideas in those texts. We will practice explaining in our own words the ideas written about in the texts we read.

Science: The students will take the water cycle unit test tomorrow. The students can study using their practice test or play review jeopardy.
Our next unit is about weather. We will start the unit by discussing what the students already know about weather and what they want to learn in regards to weather. The students will also watch a movie about air this week and how it impacts the weather. We will go over the water cycle science tests this week. The students will have the opportunity to add points onto their test score by completing an assignment at home. This assignment is due by next Friday, September 30th

Social Studies: This week in social studies students are going to receive their first homework project. Students will be doing a county report. They will be assigned a county to research and to present to the class. Students are to find the information and put it on a poster board. Students DO NOT need to write this out in a paper! If they want to write it out, they are welcome to, but they are only required to have the information on the poster. My class’s reports are due on October 11th and Mrs. Ditto’s class’s reports are due on October 12th. Please refer to the instructions your student will bring home this week for further instructions on the report. I will also post these instructions on my blog at:

This week’s homework:
Read 20 mins each day and fill out a pink reading log
Spelling list #3 – 20 mins of study and list signed by parent
Lesson 1.8-P17, 5.1-P97, 5.2-P99, Multiplication facts for 20 mins
County report Due October 11th
*Math, reading, and spelling are due on Friday

**Don’t forget the Cougar Crawl Color Run this Friday. Students should be collecting donations and then bringing back their envelope this week. Our fun run will be on Friday at 4 pm. There will be food trucks and plenty of fun for everyone!

Mrs. Wheatley