Monday, October 26, 2015

Sort 18 Spelling Words

Sort 18:

October 26-30th

This week in reading we are learning about context clues. We will practice figuring out what words mean using clues in the text around it. Our spelling this week is Sort 18 with long i words. Students need to do their 20 points and turn them in on Friday. They also need to still turn in their reading log on Monday.

This week in writing we will begin learning how to write poetry. After we write a poem in class, students will be able to finish working on their Haunted House. If students are not already on their publishing book, they should be bringing it home to work on as well. We will be reading these stories on Friday to celebrate Halloween.

This week in math we will be working on word problems. We will specifically learn how to do area and perimeter problems as well as learn how to round. In target time we will review long division and finish our long division test. We will also have our first Target Time party for good behavior on Thursday.

This week in social studies we will be talking about communication and transportation. We will make maps diagraming how we get to school. We will also start studying our counties in class for our test in December. A study guide for this test will come home later.

Don't forget about our Halloween parade and party on Friday! The Halloween parade will be Friday morning and our party will be at 1:45. If you have signed up to help with this party, we will be so excited to see you on Friday!

This Week's Homework
Monday:         Reading  
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                             Sort 18
                            P75 Lesson 4.4

Tuesday:        Reading  
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                              Sort 18
                             P79 Lesson 4.6

Wednesday:   Reading   
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                             Sort 18         
                            P85 Lesson 4.9

Thursday:       Reading     
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                             Sort 18
                            P87 Lesson 4.10

Friday:            Reading       
                             Read 20 Mins -Reading Log

Monday, October 19, 2015

October 20-23rd

This week in reading we will be learning about characters in Greek Mythology and understand ing references to them. We will read a few passages about the most famous characters and go over references to them. We will also take assessments on Main Idea and Story Elements. Our spelling is the same sort as last week, sort 17. On Friday students should turn in 20 points for this list. Tomorrow students should turn in a reading log with Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday's reading on it and they will get another for this week.

This week in writing we will be finishing our Haunted House stories. We will be writing our stories in books and we will read them on October 30th, our Halloween celebration. This will be the last week we will work on them in class, but students are welcome to work on them in class next week after they finish their other work.

This week in math we are finishing our Long Division Unit. We will be taking our test on Thursday. PLEASE review long division this week at home with your student! It is a really tough concept for students to understand. If you need a cheat sheet to help you remember how to do it, please let me know and I will send one home with your student. I will also send home the pre-test on Wednesday so you can practice these problems with your student.

This week in social studies we will be discussing industry and business. We will learning about different industries in Utah and we will also create a business and making a business ad for it.

Lastly, remember that Wednesday is make-up picture day. Also, I will be at a Reading Conference on Thursday and Friday of this week, but if you need anything from me, I will still be frequently checking my email.

This Week's Homework
Tuesday:        Reading  
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                              Sort 17
                             P61 Lesson 3.6 

Wednesday:   Reading   
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                             Sort 17          
                            P71 Lesson 4.2
Thursday:       Reading     
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                             Sort 17
                            P73 Lesson 4.3

Friday:            Reading       
                             Read 20 Mins -Reading Log

Monday, October 12, 2015

History of Candy Checklist and Rubric

Explanatory Publishing Checklist

Question _________________________________________

     Do you have an introducing sentence and a concluding sentence?
Do you have at least 3 paragraphs with 3-5 sentences in each?
Copy and paste from your Google Doc into My Access.
Fix your indents and submit. Write your score______
Pick 2 Revision Goals from your lowest scoring areas to do.
Fill out My Goals, Writing Strategy, and Reflection.
Spend $60 on adjectives.
Spend $60 on transition words.
Use the thesaurus to change 2 words.
Did you indent each paragraph?
Do My Editor and fix all mistakes.

Explanatory With Articles Rubric

1.Correct use of punctuation when forming sentences.
0 punctuation errors and indents each paragraph
1-3 punctuation errors or indents mostly
4-6punctuation errors or indents sometimes
More than 6 punctuation errors or doesn’t indent
2.  No Fragment or run on sentences
0 run-ons or fragment sentences
1-2 run-ons or fragment sentences
3-5 run-ons or fragment sentences
More than 5 run-ons or fragment sentences
3. Correct spelling of 4th grade words
0 misspelled words
1-3  misspelled words
4-6 misspelled words
7 or more misspelled words
4. Correct use of capitals at the beginning of sentences and proper nouns
0 incorrect capital errors
1-2 incorrect capital errors
3-4 incorrect capital errors
5 or more
incorrect capital errors
5. Clearly introduces the topic
Has a clear introduction of their topic and stays on topic
Has a clear introduction but goes off topic
Unclear introduction and may go off topic
No introduction and does not stay on topic
6. Supporting details organized logically
Has 3 paragraphs, 3 sentences in each that support the ?
Lacks detail and has less than 3 sentences per paragraph
Doesn’t have 3 paragraphs, lacks good organization
Has 1 paragraph with unclear details
7. Use of text
Uses 5-7 evidences from the articles to answer the question
Uses some (2-3) evidences from the articles
Uses 1 piece of evidence from the article
Doesn’t include evidence from the articles
8. Uses precise language and topic based vocabulary
Uses precise language, minimal use of “it”
Mostly uses precise language, may use “it” too much
Sometimes uses precise language, uses “it” too much
Doesn’t use precise language, too many “its”
9. Clear conclusion
Conclusion has a complete “wrap up” of the topic
Conclusion has a partial “wrap up” of the topic
Ends abruptly with little or no conclusion
Doesn’t include a conclusion
  1. Use of the writing process.W.4.5
Complete use of writing process
Uses most of the writing process
Uses some steps.
Doesn’t use the writing process

Sort 17 Spelling Words

Sort 17:

October 12-14th

This week in reading we are continuing to read stories. We will continue to focus on characters, events, and the setting. For spelling our words are Sort 17. Because of Fall Break, these will be the words for this week and next week. That means students do NOT need to turn them in until next Friday, OCTOBER 23RD. They basically have 2 weeks to do their work. For reading logs, they will only need to fill out Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for this week. Next week they will fill out a new reading log for Tuesday through Friday.

This week in math we are learning long division. We will start with the basics of how to regroup doing division and use place value blocks and pictures. We will learn how to line the numbers up in long division and what each step of the algorithm means. This is a really hard concept for students to learn, but is essential for students to be able to divide in 4th grade. Next Thursday will be our test for division.

This week in writing we will finish our History of Candy paper and will work on our Haunted House. Today is our last day for our Candy paper so students need to have their paper in My Access, scored, revised and edited, and scored a second time. Students have their login and password for My Access in their planners and the website is just I will also include on my blog the publishing checklist that students need to complete before they are done and the rubric which I will score students on. Then we will be writing a Halloween story pretending we were walking through a haunted house and describing what happened in there.

For social studies this week we will finish presenting our County Reports. I am very impressed with how these turned out and I wanted to thank each of you for helping your student complete them! After presenting our reports, we will begin learning about the population concentrations around the world and around Utah.

This Week's Homework
Monday:         Reading  
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                             Sort 17
                            P57 Lesson 3.4
                            Finish History of Candy Paper!

Tuesday:        Reading  
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                              Sort 17
                             P59 Lesson 3.5 

Wednesday:   Reading   
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                             Sort 17         

Monday, October 5, 2015

Sort 16 Spelling Words

Sort 16:

October 5-9th

This week in reading we will be focusing on literature. We will discuss in depth the characters, setting, and important events in the stories we read. We will be taking an assessment on Friday about Main Ideas. Our spelling list this week is Sort 16. We will be adding the endings -ed and -ing to root words. Please make sure your student is doing their 20 points of homework activities and turning them in on Fridays as well as filling out their reading log each day to turn in on Mondays.

This week in writing we are writing an essay on the history of candy. This is an explanatory essay that will prepare students for the Sage Test at the end of the year. We have read 2 passages and identified facts from them that we can use to explain how candy has changed through time. I have taught students how to take notes as they read these articles and how to form 3 paragraphs from those notes that we can write to answer the question. This week, we will type out 3 paragraphs from our notes. This will be our rough draft. We will copy and paste this into My Access which is a program that will score our writing and help us revise and edit our essays. A 4.0 is what is expected for students to score in My Access but students can get up to a 6.0 on their essays. We will look at what areas we can fix and we will edit and revise our essays with the help of My Access. To publish our paper we will resubmit the essay in My Access and see if we can improve our scores from our rough draft! Students must have this all done by this Friday.

This week in math we will be finishing multiplication and starting division. We will review different ways do to double digit multiplication on Monday and on Tuesday we will take our test on Multiplication. I will be sending home a sheet of strategies that I have taught students to use on double digit multiplication. Different students prefer different methods and you might not be familiar with the method your student prefers. This is why I am sending home this green strategy sheet in case you need to help your student with a strategy that you do not already know. We will move on to division on Wednesday. We will focus on what to do with remainders, tricks to dividing with multiples of 10 or 100, and how to break problems up to divide them easier.

This week in social studies we will be talking about natural resources. These are things that occur in nature that we can use such as water, trees, and copper. We will discuss the natural resources that are in Utah and who takes care of these. Thursday and Friday we will be presenting our County Reports. Please have your student finish these ASAP! My class's reports are due Thursday and Mrs. Ditto's class's reports are due on Friday. If you cannot get a poster for your child's report or do not have time to go get one, just have your child let me know and I can get one for them. If you don't know where to start finding information for the report, go to the 2 links that were in my email and blog post from September 21st. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any help with these reports! Again, there is no written report, but all the required information just needs to be displayed nicely on the poster.

Don't forget about Parent Teacher Conferences! I am so excited to meet with you and your student to discuss how they are doing. I love our class this year and I'm so glad to have each student as part of it. During Parent Teacher Conferences the book fair will also be going on in the Library. There are some great books in there so please check it out. I can't wait to see you all this week!

This Week's Homework
Monday:         Reading  
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                             Sort 16
                            P33 Lesson 2.6
                        Social Studies
                            County Report

Tuesday:        Reading  
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                              Sort 16
                             P41 Lesson 2.10 
                       Social Studies

                            County Report

Wednesday:   Reading   
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                             Sort 16          
                            P43 Lesson 2.11
                        Social Studies
                            County Report
Thursday:       Reading     
                             Read 20 Mins - Reading Log
                             Sort 16
                            P55 Lesson 3.3
                        Social Studies
                            County Report - My Class Due

Friday:            Reading       
                             Read 20 Mins -Reading Log
                        Social Studies
                            County Report - Ditto's Class Due