Basic long division review
Dividerama Review
Snorks: Easy game
Drag -N- Drop: has easy and challenging levels
Number Monster- has easy and challenging levels
Division Millionaire
Millionaire Challenge
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1.Correct use of punctuation when forming sentences.
0 punctuation errors and indents each paragraph
1-3 punctuation errors or indents mostly
4-6punctuation errors or indents sometimes
More than 6 punctuation errors or doesn’t indent
2. No Fragment or run on sentences
0 run-ons or fragment sentences
1-2 run-ons or fragment sentences
3-5 run-ons or fragment sentences
More than 5 run-ons or fragment sentences
3. Correct spelling of 4th grade words
0 misspelled words
1-3 misspelled words
4-6 misspelled words
7 or more misspelled words
4. Correct use of capitals at the beginning of sentences and proper nouns
0 incorrect capital errors
1-2 incorrect capital errors
3-4 incorrect capital errors
5 or more
incorrect capital errors
5. Clearly introduces the topic
Has a clear introduction of their topic and stays on topic
Has a clear introduction but goes off topic
Unclear introduction and may go off topic
No introduction and does not stay on topic
6. Supporting details organized logically
Has 3 paragraphs, 3 sentences in each that support the ?
Lacks detail and has less than 3 sentences per paragraph
Doesn’t have 3 paragraphs, lacks good organization
Has 1 paragraph with unclear details
7. Use of text
Uses 5-7 evidences from the articles to answer the question
Uses some (2-3) evidences from the articles
Uses 1 piece of evidence from the article
Doesn’t include evidence from the articles
8. Uses precise language and topic based vocabulary
Uses precise language, minimal use of “it”
Mostly uses precise language, may use “it” too much
Sometimes uses precise language, uses “it” too much
Doesn’t use precise language, too many “its”
9. Clear conclusion
Conclusion has a complete “wrap up” of the topic
Conclusion has a partial “wrap up” of the topic
Ends abruptly with little or no conclusion
Doesn’t include a conclusion
Complete use of writing process
Uses most of the writing process
Uses some steps.
Doesn’t use the writing process